The Rhythm of the Day

We are open 8:45 am to 2:45 pm, Monday through Friday. The rhythm of the day is as follows:

8:45 Inside play:
This includes baking, coloring, painting, seasonal crafts, activities, and preparing snack.

9:45 Clean up

10:00 Circle:
Seasonal songs, poems, finger plays and movement games are incorporated.

10:15 Snack:
After eating we use the bathroom, wash our snack napkins and hang them out to dry.

10:45 Outside play:
We sweep the porch, water plants, feed the
birds, take nature walks, play ball and other games.

11:45 Story

12:00 Lunch

12:30 Clean up:
Pack up lunch and prepare for nap by going to the bathroom and setting up our nap bedding.

12:45 Nap

2:30 Arise, fold bedding, use the bathroom, and get ready to be picked up.

2:45 Parents pick up their children for home.

Each day, we combine indoor activities with outdoor games, weather permitting.


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We bake at least twice a week.

Enjoying songs & verses during
circle time.

The children adored playing with the baby chicks.

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